Day 71
Worship of Tools Day

There is no doubt our days are made easier by the tools we use. Tools for our hobbies as well as our jobs!

Today, let’s give them the appreciation they deserve; that could mean showing tools in action, how you’ve organized them, your latest project or a long ago forgotten one. 

Need a bit of inspiration here are a few popular hobbies and their tools: 

  • Knitting: yarn, needles
  • Cooking: utensils, pots
  • Photography: camera, lenses 
  • Gardening: gloves, shovel
  • Woodworking: hammer, screwdriver 
  • Painting: brushes, canvas 
  • Exercising: weights, yoga mat  

Think about how best to capture them...You never know you just might inspire someone to “need” a new hobby as well as a new tool! 


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