Day 41
- Guest Prompt
Umbrella Day

When I saw the choices for today, I immediately chose umbrellas because they make me think of Mary Poppins and I love Mary Poppins!  According to the National Day Calendar website, umbrellas were invented over 4,000 years ago!  Who knew??  They were originally meant to provide shade from the sun until the Chinese waterproofed them for use in the rain.  I also learned a nickname for umbrellas… “Bumbershoot!”  I may start calling them that from now on – what a fun word! 

Umbrellas can be used in the sun, rain, SNOW (like I would need one for on a February day in MN), or they can even be worn - can we say umbrella hat anyone? Many photographers are familiar with umbrellas used for portrait photography.  And who can forget about those cute little paper umbrellas that they add to yummy beverages?  

So, grab an umbrella and get shady!  Giggle!  I sure had fun on this beautiful snowy day with mine.  I would have never thought to grab my umbrella in this sort of weather but using it while walking through the heavy snowfall was lovely!  Everything was so quiet and peaceful and I was comfortably protected from getting wet while taking my photos. 

Yeah, I sure like umbrellas! 



Daily Prompts

February 2020

Instagram Daily Picks

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