February 2020

One month down.  Congratulations! 

If you are reading this, you must be back and ready to start the second month of 2020.  Yay!  Thank you for being here!

Whether this is your first year of taking a photo a day or your tenth, such a discipline or daily habit is not without challenges.  If you are new to this, you are most likely still in the habit-forming stage.  Research says that it takes us roughly two months to form a new habit.

How do you approach your picture of the day?  When do you read the daily prompt?  Do you plan when, where, how you will execute the day’s photo?  Do you carry your camera with you throughout the day and trust that a photo opportunity will find you?  Perhaps you are still figuring out what YOUR photo a day habit will look like once it is fully formed.  Wherever you are on this journey is right where you are supposed to be.  Be fully present to today; embrace all that it has to offer to you.  This is the best way to live, learn, and grow, both as a photographer and a person.  It is also how healthy habits are formed and maintained.

That said, we are humans and we want to be rewarded for forming and keeping good habits.  What is YOUR Why for committing to this project?  Do you want to become more acquainted with all of the buttons on your camera?  Do you want to document a year in the everyday life of your family?  Do you want to become more aware of the world around you?  Do you want to keep a visual diary of the things you make, cook, or the places that you travel?  We all have a different answer to this Why question and that answer is the reward we are seeking.  The good thing is that whatever YOUR answer, it is the Right answer.   For those that have been doing this for many years, our Why has changed over time.  That is a good thing.  That is what keeps us going, what makes the habit worth keeping.

Like most of us, I started out wanting to improve my photography.  That is still a goal, but it is not the reward I am seeking.  My reward now is to be part of a diverse, supportive, energetic, supportive, and creative community.  The photos, comments, and conversation amongst this group during January were inspiring.  Thank you to each of you for being a part of 365 Picture Today!


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February 2020

Daily Prompts

February 2020

Tips for Sticking with Your 365 Project

We have one month under our belt so far.  Let's take a pulse check....  how have you been doing? Are you ready to keep going or are you losing interest and getting bogged down?

Here are a few tips for a successful year:

Always carry your camera with you (and that can be your phone camera too). Be ready to take that photo when it presents itself. Sometimes the best photos we take were unplanned.

  1. Don't compare yourself to others. Sure, enjoy the gallery and get inspiration from the community. But don't analyze your work against someone else's. We each have a unique style and perspective. Some of us are just starting out and some of us having been doing this awhile. Perfection isn't your goal... improving your photography and enjoying the community is!
  2. If you skip a day, don't beat yourself up. Just pick up your camera the next day and keep going. Don't let one busy day derail your whole project. If you are about to climb into bed and realize you didn't take your photo, grab your phone and just take a quick phone photo. Consistency is key. Once you get into the habit of taking a photo a day, it will feel weird if you don't take that photo.
  3. Short on inspiration? Do a google or Pinterest search. There are lots of great ideas out there. Ask other photographers in the community for help and advice. We are here to support one another.
  4. Sometimes setting mini-goals can keep your project fresh. Take a photo of the same spot at different times of the day... or different seasons of the year. Pick a week or a month and make it a theme...  hearts in February, snowflakes in January....  get the idea?
  5. Breaking out of a rut can sometimes be as easy as exploring a new location. Take a walk or a drive and notice the things around you.
  6. If you aren't feeling the prompt, don't follow it! If you are spending a lot of time and energy coming up with something to fit the prompt, and you aren't happy with it, then don't do it! Go off prompt! The prompts are there to guide you but this is your project and you can do it your way.
  7. Make sure you share and enjoy your work. Make photo books, print and hang your photos, give photo gifts. Do something tangible.

Remember... Taking a photo a day will improve your photography. You will be learning to notice things, use settings on your camera, looking for light, changing angles, and getting inspiration from other members of the community. You can do this!



Never store your photos in one single place. Use the 3-2-1 back-up rule:  Create at least 3 copies of your photos; Store back-up copies on 2 different types of media (such as an internal hard drive and an external hard drive), and keep 1 of them off-site (on the cloud; or another remote location).

365PictureToday Creative Team




The best piece of advice I can give is this...don't underestimate the value of the 365 community!

Being an active member will not only help you to be accountable to the project but it will also provide an endless amount of inspiration and support! 


I am a morning person, so I typically take my photo early in the day. Making my photo a day part of my morning routine helps me stay on track. When I was working, I would sometimes take my photo the night before and post it in the morning. 


Taking a photo a day is now an integral part of what I do and who I am.  I treasure each moment I have captured, whether big or small.  I've learned to be kind to myself, to not judge the content and execution of my photos.  They each have a purpose.  For some reason I took that particular photo on that particular day.  It's up to me to find that meaning.


Taking a photo a day for the last 7 years, has on some days been hard, and I have even missed taking a photo on somedays, I don’t worry about it, I just carry on to the next day.  I start thinking about my potd when I read the email first thing in the morning, sometimes it all aligns and works, other time it can take at least 50 photos until I am okay with at least one photo.

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked