One month down. Congratulations!
If you are reading this, you must be back and ready to start the second month of 2020. Yay! Thank you for being here!
Whether this is your first year of taking a photo a day or your tenth, such a discipline or daily habit is not without challenges. If you are new to this, you are most likely still in the habit-forming stage. Research says that it takes us roughly two months to form a new habit.
How do you approach your picture of the day? When do you read the daily prompt? Do you plan when, where, how you will execute the day’s photo? Do you carry your camera with you throughout the day and trust that a photo opportunity will find you? Perhaps you are still figuring out what YOUR photo a day habit will look like once it is fully formed. Wherever you are on this journey is right where you are supposed to be. Be fully present to today; embrace all that it has to offer to you. This is the best way to live, learn, and grow, both as a photographer and a person. It is also how healthy habits are formed and maintained.
That said, we are humans and we want to be rewarded for forming and keeping good habits. What is YOUR Why for committing to this project? Do you want to become more acquainted with all of the buttons on your camera? Do you want to document a year in the everyday life of your family? Do you want to become more aware of the world around you? Do you want to keep a visual diary of the things you make, cook, or the places that you travel? We all have a different answer to this Why question and that answer is the reward we are seeking. The good thing is that whatever YOUR answer, it is the Right answer. For those that have been doing this for many years, our Why has changed over time. That is a good thing. That is what keeps us going, what makes the habit worth keeping.
Like most of us, I started out wanting to improve my photography. That is still a goal, but it is not the reward I am seeking. My reward now is to be part of a diverse, supportive, energetic, supportive, and creative community. The photos, comments, and conversation amongst this group during January were inspiring. Thank you to each of you for being a part of 365 Picture Today!