Day 1

Good morning!  Today we begin a new day, a new month, a new year.  We are given the gift of starting anew.  What does a fresh start look like to you?  Do you have a list of resolutions for 2021?  Or is your new start a fresh cup of coffee or clean linens on your bed?  Whatever "start" looks like to you, that is where you want to turn your camera today.

For those of you who are starting your first 365 daily photo project, Welcome!  For those who are new to 365 Picture Today, we are glad you are here!  For all of you for whom this is the next step on a familiar path, we are glad you are back!

Starts can be hard, even when you are excited to take that first step.  Commitment, especially to do something every single day, can be overwhelming.  Start with the first step.  Don't worry about the others that will follow.  The first one is the hardest!

Happy New Year!  We hope that light and love surround you and those you hold in your heart.


Daily Prompts

January 2021

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked