Day 296
Picture Color


Do you find coffee to be an effective way to start your day?  I'm more of a tea drinker myself but I know many rely on their morning coffee to kickstart their day.

If you want to try water drops (or coffee/milk drops) today you'll need to use a high shutter speed to capture the drop clearly.  It's best to set your camera on a tripod to avoid movement.  I used a continuous shooting mode to enhance my chances of catching the exact moment the milk hit the coffee.  It might take a few tries but it's a lot of fun experimenting!  Coffee is an effective way to capture chestnut for your photo today!  

If coffee or water drops are not your thing, find something else chestnut-coloured that you consider effective in making your day more productive.  


Daily Prompts

October 2023

Instagram Daily Picks

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