Day 262
Cheeseburger Day

When you see Cheeseburger Day, what do you think of first?  The burger?  Or the cheese?  I'm not picky when it comes to a burger.  Hamburger, turkey burger, veggie burger...they are all just a delivery system for all of the possible burger toppings.  I am much more interested in what kind of cheese goes on my burger than the burger itself.  My favorite cheese is smoked gouda, but I have a list of others that I enjoy almost as much.

What kind of cheese do you like on your burger?  Photograph it.  If you are not a burger eater, just photograph some cheese.  Cheese comes in all kinds of shapes - circles, squares, rectangles, shreds.  No cheese?  Today might be a fun day to play with the composition of any objects that are basic shapes.  Keep in mind that odd numbers of items work best.  Also pay attention to the balance within the frame.


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September 2020

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