Day 129
Coconut Cream Pie Day

Before you roll your eyes at yet another food prompt, stay with me! Yes, today is National Coconut Cream Pie Day. And yes, you can absolutely photograph coconut cream pie if you want to! But no, you don't have to photograph food today.

Today's challenge is for you to photograph "white on white."  Look for a white subject and a white background. The challenge with composing white on white is to create depth. Look for textures, shadows, and highlights. You can create depth by using a wide aperture (low f number); you can create depth by placing items in the shadows or sun; you can also create depth in editing and playing around with textures.

If you are led to photograph that coconut cream pie, please do it! But try to photograph it with a white background and create some depth.

To pie or not to pie, that is the question!


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