Day 72
Picture Style
Street Photography - Song Lyrics


Lysle helped me with the song lyrics today using our prompt word of "enough."  Now you'll have this song stuck in your head all day long I'm sure!  Unfortunately, we don't have any mountains where I live, but just down the road, there is a steep hill that allows you to overlook the entire little town – population 419.  Way in the distance, if you can make it out, there is a water tower which is near my house.

If you find that you have no mountains high enough to climb in your neck of the woods, maybe take a drive and see if you have a road or bridge that brings you high enough to look over a beautiful view.  If you feel inclined, add some song lyrics to your photo.  It'll be like we are taking a road trip with an awesome playlist to listen to all day.  


Daily Prompts

March 2021

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked