Day 60
Picture You
Makes Me Happy - Picture the Alphabet


It's time for you to march into a hunt for your next set of letters in the alphabet!

Have you been collecting letters? If you are, don't stress too hard. Don't be afraid to look for them in objects around your home, if that's what you have to do. Don't forget to look up and down to see what you find.

I found this "F" in the shadows as I was walking to the bus. I was so excited, but if anyone saw me taking a picture of a shadow on the sidewalk, they probably think I'm nuts, which is totally fine! Complete the challenge for today as best you can. Who knows, if not today, maybe later on in the year you will find a better letter you can just add to your collection. I think I'm going to be seeing letters everywhere soon! 


Daily Prompts

March 2022

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