Day 179
Picture Style
Long Exposure


Someone who is affluent is rich or wealthy.  Our 365 community is such a rich community.  There is so much talent here and I don't believe I have ever belonged to a more caring supportive group of folks.  Does that not make us all rich and wealthy?  I think so!

I used a shutter speed of 13 seconds for this photo.  I was in a dark room, and I used a BBQ lighter as my light source.  My ISO was 50 and my f stop was 18.  I set my camera on a tripod, used my phone as the shutter and then with the lighter lit, I wrote out the numbers slowly filling the whole 13 sec timer.  It took a few tries to get the numbers square, but I thought the result was pretty neat.

Using long exposure today show us what affluent means to you.


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