“To thine own self be true." I know for me those truthful self-portraits can be very intimidating. But I am gaining confidence in revealing my true self thanks to the embracing 365 community. That means more wrinkles, less make-up, and maybe not even a smile.
For this High Key shot, I incorporated white as the symbol of truth. Dressing in white, I sat in a light-colored room next to a north-facing window with white blinds partly drawn. I set my camera on a pillow pointing from below with my phone next to it as a remote and to review the composition. Settings were auto-focus at ISO 200, f/1.8, 1/30 sec using a 35mm fixed lens. I’ve found looking at my reflection in the lens gives the viewer my direct gaze.
Finally in editing, I did.... nothing. It’s all there including the graying roots. (In truth, there’s a little mascara because I forgot I had it on!!)
Today, how will you reveal your true self? However, you do it, you might give someone else that confidence to reveal themselves truthfully.