Day 176
Picture You
High Key


masterful mas-ter-full]

1. having or showing the qualities of a master; authoritative; powerful.

2. showing mastery or skill

After a full week of high key photography, I am sure you have mastered this technique. Me, I still need a lot of practice!

This was my very first high key portrait ever and I took it with 'ZERO' specialized equipment, skill, or knowledge.  I sat on the floor against a white wall.  I placed a desk lamp behind my head, and a desk lamp on a step ladder behind my camera and tripod. I set my camera exposure compensation up three stops and shot at f8 with my white balance on tungsten light. I mastered the art of clicking the ten second timer and getting into position (that's surely considered "mastery" because I took over fifty shots!) until I got the shot I liked!  I altered the whites and exposure in lightroom, and this is my result.  

Is it perfect?  Not even close!  But it proves that improvisation, perseverance and trial and error might just get you the shot you desire.  Can you master the art of high key portraiture?


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