Day 120
- Phone
Zipper Day

How often do you think about zippers?  Well, other than to make sure your pants are properly zipped. :-)  Where would we be without zippers?  Jackets, handbags, boots, suitcases, camera bags all rely on zippers for closure.  Today we celebrate the zipper, or "automatic continuous clothing closure," as it was named by Elias Howe when he first engineered one back in 1851.

I carry a backpack to school every day.  It took me a long time to find the "perfect" one.  By perfect I mean one with lots of zipper compartments in all of the right places and in all of the right sizes!  The only downside to all of these zippers is remembering to check that all are securely closed before I pick it up and head out on my way.

Use your phone today to show the importance of a zipper in your world.  Get in close or photograph the bigger picture.  It's up to you.


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