Welcome March, a month that brings with it a change of seasons. Whether you are heading into spring or into fall, the world will start to look different this month. The light will change and the colors around us will change. As photographers, those things invite us to see from a new perspective.
Too much change at once can be disconcerting, but as long as we are embracing change, this may be the month to try some new or different things with your daily photos as well. Maybe you have a lens that you haven’t used in awhile. Put it on your camera and use it for a week. If you feel like you are getting bogged down in daily activities and daily photos are becoming burdensome, shoot with only your phone or allow yourself only a few shots to accomplish your picture of the day. Stepping outside our comfort zone every now and then ultimately will help us grow and improve our skills.
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, March brings us spring. The earth will start to explode with all the colors of the rainbow. You may think it unfair of us to have chosen black and white as the color of the month. To create a black and white image, most people convert an image shot in color. Another thing you may want to try this month is actually shooting in black and white. If you are using a DSLR, your camera likely has a monochrome or similar setting. Removing the “distraction” of color from the frame when composing your photo changes what you are drawn to in the frame. Texture, balance, and the play between light and shadow become the prominent features in the image. If you haven’t taken many black and white photos or don’t think you enjoy shooting without color, try to keep an open mind. You’ll be amazed at how beautiful spring flowers can be even in black and white!
We are looking forward to seeing what this change of seasons looks like where you are!
“The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we can become exposed is if we throw ourselves out into the open. Do it. Throw yourself.” ― C. JoyBell C.