Summer is coming, summer is coming!
Welcome to June. In the Northern Hemisphere we are starting to unpack our summer gear to enjoy the warmer weather. For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, your cool temperature gear is starting to make an appearance. In Canada we will experience the longest day of the year this month while our antipode friends will see the shortest day. Wherever you are in this great, big, wonderful world, June will be full of opportunities for photo taking!
I’m super excited to welcome June. For the first time in over two and a half years I will be traveling internationally. While you are reading through this ebook I’ll be on a River Cruise on the Rhine River in Europe. Brian and I both turn 60 this year so we figured a River Cruise was the perfect way to celebrate. Before the cruise we will be spending three days in Lucerne, Switzerland. I don’t think I’ve looked forward to something so much in my whole life. I’ve missed travel over the past couple of years and I’m glad to see the world is starting to open up again.
Travel is an excellent opportunity for us photography enthusiasts. When we travel, we see and experience things that can be so different from our everyday lives. Our senses are overloaded and our cameras allow us to capture these moments and share them with the world. For two weeks this June my photos will be taken from somewhere very different for me and I can’t wait to see what I come up with. I hope you’ll follow along with me through my daily prompt photos.
Will you be traveling this summer? If so, please share your photos with us. Many of us will be traveling vicariously through you. As a member of this group, I have seen parts of the world that I likely will never have time to visit. We have a lot of wanderlust folks in this group and it’s such an honour to travel the world through your photos. I’ve added places to my travel bucket list just by seeing photos others in this group have posted while they are on vacation. Your travel experiences coupled with your creative photography provide all of us 365ers with a glimpse into the awesome experience you are undertaking somewhere out there in this great big world. If you are one of those that takes and collects photos as your souvenirs when you travel, please share your travel tales with us. We want to travel the world with you!