Day 23
Picture More


My parents are probably the two most honourable people I know. Like these snowshoe tracks, they have walked a path of consistency, leading by an example of kindness and showing me how to follow. I am proud to walk in their footsteps and honoured to capture their photo year after year.

What do you feel repeatedly honoured to capture? What honourable thing is repeating in your life? Maybe it’s a mantra that you repeat to yourself that you include in your photo, or a collage of a repeating photo made in post-processing to show emphasis.

This week, show us what's repeating in your mind or in your world. If you're struggling, take a repeating photo each day this week at different times to see the difference in light. Play with your settings and develop your understanding more each day.


Daily Prompts

January 2022

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked