Day 5
Guest Prompt
About Me


You’re here! Bravo! Maybe this is your fifth day, and maybe it’s your first. For some of you, this is the fifth day of your fifth year (or more!).

Whichever one of these is true for you, bravo, you’re here. Maybe, like me, you’re doing something you never thought you would do.

When I started taking a photo a day with 365 Picture Today I didn’t think I would last the first month, but I did. Now in my third year, I get to play a bigger role in this incredible community.

Today we say Bravo to you for being here. We need to learn to celebrate the small things, and recognize our accomplishments, whatever they may be. So, what are you congratulating yourself for today? We're sending snow-confetti your way!


Daily Prompts

January 2022

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked