Day 11
Picture Style


What’s your Happy Place? Despite often needing a push to get outdoors, I am rarely more at peace than when I’m walking in the sunshine, through fields and bush on a farm that has been in my family for 5 generations.

There is such peace and contentment in nature: such wonder and happiness. If you can’t get out to your favourite place today, show us the local landscape that makes you happiest, even if it’s your own backyard. In fact, what could be more happy than that?

If you’re using your camera and the sun is shining bright, why not try a sunburst photo? Set your aperture to at least f/16 and a low ISO (about 125). Start there and play around.


Daily Prompts

January 2022

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked