Day 10
Picture Style
Landscape - Macro Monday


It is macro Monday and it is also LANDSCAPE week and that makes for a challenge.  Not to worry though; find something to photograph that you can place in the foreground of you photograph and also show the landscape peaking out behind.  I focused on a mail box and purposely blurred out the background. 

The word "Empower" means to give power or authority to or to enable or permit.  I chose a mailbox because to me, the mail is an empowering tool.  Through the mail we are able to move information from one part of the world to another. 

You might consider many powerful things in your world to choose for your photograph; for example vehicles, telephone poles, signs or fences.   Have fun finding something empowering to macro into your landscape photograph today.


Daily Prompts

January 2022

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked