“As the most widely used library classification system, the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) or Dewey Decimal System has been in use since 1876. That was the year when American Librarian Melvil Dewey developed and established it. Divided into ten main categories, the numerical system arranges mostly non-fiction publications. Since its inception, the system has been maintained and kept pace with modern technologies. A schedule of expansions and revisions helps keep the system current and progressive.”
For many of us, the colder temperatures and shorter days means that we have more time to spend curled up with a good book. And for many, the holidays bring with them a tradition of reading special stories together. For our family, that tradition involves opening a package with a book for the twenty-four days leading up to Christmas. Some of the books get rewrapped each year and some are new. And the 24th will always be A Visit from St. Nicholas. All of the stories will not be remembered, but hopefully the feelings of gathering as a family as sharing this special time will be.
Do you have a holiday tradition that involves a special book? Or, do you have a stack of books waiting for you to read once the busyness of the holidays turns to calm?
Photograph what you are reading, what you wish you were reading, or a special holiday book.