Welcome to 365PictureToday! We’re glad you’ve decided to join us. Taking on a 365 project is an awesome way to document your day to day life. Taking a photo a day may feel overwhelming and daunting at first. Just remember to take it one day at a time. We all feel a bit anxious committing to taking a photo a day for a whole year. It’s normal but I guarantee at the end, you’ll be glad that you did.
Some days may stand out and it’s easy to take a photo. Others may be less than stellar. You may not feel like taking a photo or feel like you have nothing worth photographing. We all have those days. Don’t overthink it. Just grab a quick snap and move on. Tomorrow is another day.
This is your 2022, document it in your way. It isn’t about being good or having the best equipment. It’s about using the camera you have on hand to capture a moment in your day be it a dslr, a point and shoot or a phone camera. It matters not what you use to take your photo. We just want to see your photos and see how your 2022 pans out.
You’ll find so much support in this community. Your photos will get a lot of love here. We enjoy seeing your life, your family, through the good and the bad. We’ll get a glimpse into your life and what’s important to you and you will get a glimpse into ours. You can't help but get to know and care for someone when they’re sharing their life on a daily basis. There is wealth of experience and knowledge in this group. If you have questions about photography, this project or anything in particular ask away. You’ll be surprised at how willing folks are to help.
This is your project, complete it in any way that speaks to you. If you miss a day or two, jump right back in. We’ll be happy to see you back. If the prompt isn’t working for you on any given day, that’s okay. Take a photo that documents the day you are having. The prompts are there to give you inspiration but it’s your project, take a photo that has meaning for you.
If this is your first year taking on a 365 project, welcome. You’ll be surprised at how your photography improves by taking a photo a day. To those who have been around previously, we’re so glad you decided to join us for another year.
Let’s make 2022 a year to remember. Your photos throughout the year will ensure you don’t forget what an awesome year you had.