December 2020

It’s December, the last month of this crazy year called 2020, the end of our inaugural year here at 365 Picture Today, and the time of year where many of us take a moment to stop and reflect on the last twelve months.  Despite all of the difficulties that 2020 has thrown at us, hopefully you will find in looking back through your daily photos that there were also many bright spots.

In January, we set out to nurture and sustain a community of people committed to documenting daily life one photo at a time.  The 365 Picture Today Team has been small, but mighty.  Our goal was to provide enough challenge to keep the community engaged, and also enough familiarity to not create frustration or discomfort.  Little did we know back in January how important both of those things would become this year.

For many of us, our daily photos became the constant in an otherwise unpredictable year.  The daily moments with our cameras provided an escape from all of the “stuff” that was going on in the world.  Picking up our cameras daily was the encouragement we needed to find something every day that was worthy of documenting.  I suspect that somewhere in our 366 photos from this year, each of us has memories of the pandemic, as we should.  The purpose of daily photography project like this is to find a beautiful and creative way to document real life, even when real life in and of itself is not pretty.

Amidst it all, we have all been in it together.  We are grateful for all of you who have been on this journey with us this year, who have shared your days and your families with us, who have trusted this community to lift you up when you were feeling down, or have honored us by allowing us to join in celebrating with your triumphs.

As the year comes to a close, take time to reflect on these past twelve months.  Scroll through your daily photos.  Acknowledge the struggles.  Give thanks for the blessings.  Hold on to the moments of hope and beauty.  Remember that a single photo or a single day is just a page, maybe even only a paragraph in the book.  It takes all 366 photos to tell the whole story of this year.

The 365 Picture Today Team wishes all of you love, peace, health, and happiness as we celebrate this holiday season and bring 2020 to a close.



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December 2020

Daily Prompts

December 2020

Where are we headed in 2021?

Congratulations! We have survived (almost) the year 2020!

When we started this journey together in January, we had no idea what would lie ahead. Thank you, again, for sticking with us this first year of 365 Picture Today. There were some bumps and rough roads along the way, but you supported the team, and each other, through it all!

The team chose to follow the national day calendar for 2020 as a departure and springboard for the new 365 Picture Today. Some of you loved it; some of you hated it. We on the team loved it and we on the team hated it. The team appreciates all of your feedback and ideas. We have sorted through it all, discussed it, tried to incorporate as much as we could, and developed a plan for moving forward.

We have added 3 new team members. Please welcome Danette Badger, Lysle Barmby, and Diane Perry Russon to the Team! We are so thankful to be able to spread some of the workload and get some new creative juices flowing. These ladies are going to be awesome!

We are moving back to word prompts. Some of them will be emotive and inspirational and some of them will be concrete and tangible. We will have weekly themes. The themes will bring back personal and color weeks as well as technical and creative weeks. We will have repeating prompts. There will be less food prompts. There will be quarterly challenges. We are keeping the community spotlight. There will be blog posts for inspiration and instruction.

The e-book will be streamlined and simplified. The last page of the book will include all of the word prompts for the month for easy access.

We will continue with daily features on Instagram and weekly features on Facebook.

The team is very EXCITED to head into 2021 with our new format. We think you will like it!

Be on the look-out for e-mail sign-ups and the new 2021 facebook group.

Thank you for being such a great community. You have become family to us and we can't wait to capture life with you in 2021!




Being a part of a community with common interests reduces stress, gives a sense of belonging, provides support, and creates friendships. Thank you for being the BEST Community ever!

365PictureToday Creative Team




This year I experimented more with editing apps like Mextures. They are a great way to give an ordinary photo a fun twist. The filter and overlay combinations are truly endless! 


A new photography skill I learned in 2020 was how to use textures in photoshop. I really like how you can harness light and shadows with each texture.


My greatest take away from 2020 is that I learned not to force the photo...things are not always going to be perfect because life is not perfect.  I learned to relax and shoot the image that is in front of me.  That is real life and that is what I want to remember, imperfections and all.


I have learnt a lot about photography this year, nothing completely new but have managed to practice all sorts of skills using mainly Lightroom, which was my goal, not to rely on Photoshop. I have learnt to trust myself and to believe in my photography for me.

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked