
by Lee - August 15, 2020
We are all busy people even in time of a pandemic and the summer has gotten away from us, so, the August blog is just a quick go at editing some photos from the community.
by Garnett - August 01, 2020
Find out more about Tina Fowler, This month's Community Spotlight!
by Kris - July 15, 2020
How are you feeling about your picture-taking right now?  Thanks to COVID-19, many of us have not ventured far from home for the last few months, meaning that both our “scenery” and our experiences have been limited.
by Amy - July 01, 2020
This month we introduce you to Lee Ann Mize a self described Sweet Georgia Peach and I have to agree! 
by Lee - June 15, 2020
We asked the community for some photos to edit, to show how we would process them, we all have different styles and it is interesting to see what we would do with someone else's photo. 
by Amy - June 01, 2020
This month we introduce you to Kathy Langhofer from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada which she mentioned contrary to what fellow Albertans believe is not the windiest city in Canada.

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked