
by Lysle - October 29, 2022
Can you believe the you have now been posting a picture a day for almost one year? That is an amazing feat of colossal proportions and you must be applauded and celebrated.
by Diane - September 29, 2022
I came across a number of unique challenges to help you pick up your camera and challenge your creativity.  Give a read through the suggestions and see if any of them resonate with you.  Is there one that you could try?
by Joy - September 01, 2022
You can take 365 days-worth of photos for your portfolio if that’s your goal and ability. However, it’s just as important, just as worthy, if what you take is 365 photos to create a photo diary or photo journal of a year in your life.
by Lysle - August 04, 2022
Come along on a virtual thrift shop trip with me!  It is always fun to bring a friend.  I have enlisted a few 365 Picture Today friends to join me in my thrifting.  We will also show you how we store our junk....err treasures!
by Kris - July 14, 2022
Let’s talk about portraits in photography…
by Joy - June 12, 2022
Do you want to meet fellow photographers and learn and laugh together? It's easier than you think!

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