by Garnett - September 15, 2020
You are taking photos every day (or at least frequently). What now?
by Garnett - September 01, 2020
Find out more about Julie Bush, This month's Community Spotlight!
by Lee - August 15, 2020
We are all busy people even in time of a pandemic and the summer has gotten away from us, so, the August blog is just a quick go at editing some photos from the community.
by Garnett - August 01, 2020
Find out more about Tina Fowler, This month's Community Spotlight!
by Kris - July 15, 2020
How are you feeling about your picture-taking right now?  Thanks to COVID-19, many of us have not ventured far from home for the last few months, meaning that both our “scenery” and our experiences have been limited.
by Amy - July 01, 2020
This month we introduce you to Lee Ann Mize a self described Sweet Georgia Peach and I have to agree! 

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