Day 192
Picture More


Blueper B came from a toy store, but he has become much more than a toy.  Since 2014, he has traveled through much of the U.S and been to Iceland and the U.K.  He has met many people along the way and has quite a following.  I have photographed him on all his travels, and he writes a blog.  Photographing him along the way has helped me improve my photography both technically and creatively.  He has become one of my best muses.  Since I take the pictures, Blueper is usually carried by someone else.  It takes guts for an older adult with no children to confidently carry a furry little blue and orange monster through airports and other public places!

Take your favorite toy out today and photograph it in a public place.  Be prepared for some judgmental stares and some heartwarming smiles.


July 2022

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