The longer you are around this group you'll discover how many of our members have a thing for Lego! I'm intrigued by it, but I haven't quite bitten. This week is for them and for all of you who like to play with toys. This week we make them the feature!
I'm looking forward to seeing how creative our Lego folks get this week. Should be fun! We also have a lot of grandmothers in this group so if you're not into Lego, I'm sure you are surrounded by all sorts of other toys that you can use this week. For others, maybe it's pet toys! It's completely up to you on how you interpret our toy theme this week. Bring out the inner kid and have some fun this week! We could all use a little fun every now and then!
Having Charlie in my life means we have a lot of toys scattered both inside and outside the house. In this photo, his mama is trying to show him how to swing a toy bat. Who knows, maybe one day we'll have a Toronto Blue Jay in the family!