October 2020

Here we are, beginning the last quarter of 2020.  Who knew back on January 1 that this year would be marked by so much craziness.  The reason that we all set out to take a photo a day back then was to document the details of our daily lives.  I hope you have done that.

One of the things that I learned back in 2014, my second year of taking a photo a day, is that is equally important to photograph the difficult, the dark, the sad, the ugly days as it is to photograph the happy and beautiful ones.  I learned this the day I photographed my dad’s funeral.  We need these “not so pretty” photos to look back at and remind us how far we’ve come, that we have survived, that we are resilient.  On the tough days, it can be hard to even pick up our cameras, let alone photograph something that we’d rather not be experiencing let alone preserving with a photo, just do it.  In the years to come, you will be glad that you did.  I promise you that.

As we look toward the holidays and the end of this year, take a few moments and look back at your photos from the past nine months.  What do they say to you about your experience living in COVID times?  Do your daily photos accurately reflect your life and feelings about living through 2020?

For me, October brings a marked change in my internal and external worlds.  I look forward to the holiday season, even this year knowing that it might be different.  I take stock of my goals for the year, those already accomplished and those that still need to be wrapped up.  I begin to think about the mysteries that may lie ahead in the new year.  Much of this season of reflection is sparked by the changing natural world.  In the northern hemisphere, fall brings new colors before the trees drop their leaves and bare the stark form of their skeleton, that which holds their real essence.  In the Southern Hemisphere, spring is bringing newness of life.  Either way, “things are a changin.

Wherever you find yourself in the world or in your head, photograph that place.  Picture Today.  October.  2020.  The beginning of the last quarter of this crazy year!


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October 2020

Daily Prompts


Are you in a lens rut? What I mean is... do you find yourself using the same lens all of the time? It's easy to do. We put our favorite lens on our camera, and then it becomes easy and comfortable to just leave it there. It can be much like shooting in automatic, you become so comfortable that you don't even think about it anymore.

This month, your challenge is to play with different lenses. You could switch your lenses each week and have a week of photos with each individual lens. You can challenge yourself to take photos of the same subject using different lenses. You can really push the envelope by using portrait and prime lenses for non-portrait subjects. Experiment with shutter speed and focal length. Compare your images and see what each lens does differently.

Some of us have many lenses but rarely use them all. Some of us have one lens or a point and shoot camera.... or even our phone. If you don't have a variety of lenses, play with other settings. See what your point and shoot will do at different angles or distances from your subject. 

There are two basic types of lenses: Prime and Zoom

Primes lenses have a fixed lens focal length. They are sharp and fast. But they require you to move around and really think about your composition.

Zoom lenses allow different focal lengths and are much more flexible for everyday use. 

Within these two categories, there are varieties of lenses: Macro, telephoto, wide angle, specialty (fish eye; tilt shift, infrared).

I don't know which lenses you have in your arsenal, but if there are some that you rarely use or don't fully understand, the challenge this month is to get familiar with them! If there is lens you thought about adding to your collection, maybe you could borrow it and try it out.


Keep both eyes open when you look through the viewfinder. Keeping both eyes open enables you to see what is in the scene other than just the subject you are focussing on.

365PictureToday Creative Team




I follow a few local Outer Banks photographers; Mark Buckler, Wes Snyder, Jennifer Carr, Daniel Pullen. I enjoy seeing our sandbar through their len! 


There are several photographers I enjoy following. I like Kim Klassen and Carolyn Watson (16 Miles Out) for Still Life Photography; Tim Shields for Landscape Photography; Meg Loeks for Portraits and editing techniques.


I tend not to follow people because of their photographic style because, well, their style is their style And I need to find my own.  I am drawn to photographers because of their philosophy and outlook on life and art.  I appreciate the depth and emotion in the work of Rick Guidotti and Stacy Kranitz.



I love the photos by the following and enjoy their feeds on flickr and also on Instagram. Elena Shumilova. Steven McCurry Kim Kassen and Rosana Cafe, they all seem to have a similar style, that I wish one day to capture.

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