
by Kris - April 15, 2020
Do you ever scroll through the community photos and immediately know who took a particular photo because you recognize a familiar character - a Lego figure, a cartoon character, a toy, or a stuffed animal?
by Kris - April 01, 2020
Welcome to the April Community Spotlight.  This month we bring you a double exposure! We are grateful that Heidi Marquardt and Becky Johnson are sharing their story of friendship and photography with us this month.
by Kris - January 15, 2020
There is such irony in me writing a post entitled “Seeing 2020.” 
by Kris - December 30, 2019
As I write this, my husband is sitting in the middle of the den floor surrounded by all of the nuts and bolts and other pieces ready to assemble a Red Radio Flyer wagon for our grandson.

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