Welcome to 2023
Welcome to 365 Picture Today! We’re so happy that you’ve decided to join us on this journey. Taking on a photo a day project can be so rewarding. It can also be a challenge from time to time. Documenting your day to day life can be a little overwhelming at times but you will find that at the end of it all, you’ll be glad you stuck it out.
Make this project about you and make it work for you. It’s your life, reflect it in whatever way works for you. What’s important to you? What do you want to capture? When you look back at the end of the year, what will make you smile? Capture that! The prompts are there for guidance to give you ideas on what you might want to photograph on that day. You may not like some of the prompts or some of the challenges and that’s ok. I don’t think there’s one person in our community who would like every prompt, every day. Take a photo that fits your day and share it with us. Just take the photo and move on. Tomorrow will be another day.
There will also be times throughout the year where your motivation will wane. We’ve all been there. It’s not easy to keep the creativity flowing each and every day. Sometimes one and done is enough for that day. You are not alone. This community that you’ve just joined is full of photographers just like you. We have good days and we have bad days. Regardless of what kind of day you’re having, we’ll be there for you. You’ll find lots of love in this community. We’re here to encourage you, cheer you on, lift you up when you need it and support you as you move through this journey.
All levels of photographers are welcome in our 365PictureToday community. Whether you are a beginner or at a more advance level, you are welcome in our group. Whether you use your phone as your camera, a point and shoot or a DSLR, this group is for you. We hope that you will learn from our members and we hope that you’ll share your experience with us. Don’t compare yourself to others in the group. We all bring different levels of experience. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. You will learn and grow by taking a photo a day. At the end of the year you will be able to look back and see how far you’ve come. We will be there every day cheering you on.
It’s time to get started. Pat yourself on the back for taking this project on and especially for joining the most supportive and compassionate group on the internet. We’re glad you’re joining us and we’re betting that before long, you’ll be glad you joined too!