Day 209
Picture Basic
Wide Aperture


Wide aperature means your lens is more open, letting more light reach the sensor.  By using a low f-stop you open your aperature wider.  My favourite aperatures are at the 2.5 to 4.0 range so this is going to be a fun week for me! I can't wait to see what you photograph as well.

There is nothing to fear but fear itself.....and spiders!

A low aperature is perfect for insect photography!  Grab your camera, set it at your lowest aperature and lets go on a bug hunt.  You might want to also reduce your exposure by a stop or two to isolate that critter when you get in close.  Maybe you will even find one 'lifting off'!  You might want to set your camera to high speed multiple shots in order to get an insect in flight! I like to think my lazy butterfly was ready for lift off.

If bugs make you squeamish, use your lowest aperatures to capture flowers, birds or even a still life.


Daily Prompts

July 2023

Instagram Daily Picks

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