Day 208
Picture Style
Still Life - Picture Time

7 o'clock

Today we are taking our photo at 7 O'Clock. It can be a.m. or p.m. We are going to be slightly more intentional with today's time prompt since it falls during Still Life week. You don't have to own a lot of fancy props or backdrops to make an interesting still life. You can make a simple scene with items on hand. I look for a few things that will tell a story. I like to think that my example photo reflects someone reading a book, looking at their watch and needing to step away. The spectacles were left behind as well as the watch.If you want to add more texture you can use a cloth or fresh or dried flowers. You can also just grab an image of items that reflect your day today.

It's 7 O'Clock. What's happening with you today?


Daily Prompts

July 2021

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked