Day 364
Picture More
Leading Lines


Don't panic!  This is easier than it looks.  Leading lines using light trails and star bursts are a really simple photography trick! The first thing you need to do is find an overpass over a street that has a lot of traffic.  You can also stand on the side of the street but remember, safety first.

I took this picture at dusk on an overpass with the city in the back ground.  I put my camera on a tripod because it is a long exposure photograph and I needed it to be as steady as possible.  My settings were f20 (for the star burst), ISO 100, and a 30 second exposure.  I made sure my focal point was on the street lamp and ta da....instant star!  It took me 30 minutes to get to the overpass but only 30 seconds and one shot to get the picture.  Try it; you will like it!

Light trails may not be your 'thing'.  If not, find a decoration, jewelry, or other star shaped items and produce a picture but remember to include those leading lines.  


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December 2021

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