It's the last day of double exposure photos. Let's have some fun! I decided I wanted to create an "artsy" photo using two things in which I share an interest - my garden and music. Beyond that, I had no clue what I was going to do.
I began by taking several photos of flowers in my garden and several of my guitar on a white background. I layered the two images in Photoshop, the guitar on top of the garden Then I started pushing buttons and playing with sliders. I first tried all of the blend modes. Since the outcomes are unpredictable, it is fun to see how each affects the image. Once I found one that I liked, I tweaked the contrast, saturation, and brightness a bit.
This is not my favorite technique, but since I had no concrete expectations, going through the process was kind of fun.
Takes some time to play and have fun today. Leave expectations behind. Please share your photos as well as your process used in creating them.