Day 239
Picture Style
Double Exposure


Double exposure week has probably pushed your creativity really hard. You may be loving it but you also may be frustrated with it. I have to admit, it isn't something that I can usually visualize when I am creating an image. There are some members of this group that are amazing with their double exposure creations.

With the prompt word of "building" I immediately thought of the skyline in Chicago, a city I have visited many, many times. I decided to embed a sunset photo from my hometown to give the city a sunrise glow. I brought my photo into photoshop, and then I embedded my sunset image over and reduced the opacity to get the look I wanted. I rotated the embedded image to make a sunrise rather than sunset and I'm pretty happy with the result.

Whatever you decided to do today, please share your process with us! 


Daily Prompts

August 2021

Instagram Daily Picks

Tag your photos with #365picturetoday in Instagram and get your photo picked