Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory - Dr. Seuss
What a year! It is hard to believe that our 365 Picture Today 2021 year is coming to its grand year end finale! It has been a wonderful year full of new friendships through photography, retaining old friendships, and learning and enjoying the fruits of the labour of photography. We have laughed and cried and learned a lot about one another. We have grown as a community and as photographers.
Congratulations! Taking and posting a picture a day is a huge accomplishment and one you should be extremely proud of.
Dear 2021
I have learned a lot this year as a photographer! I have learned that taking a picture a day for 365 days can be really exciting but also sometimes really hard. I have learned that not every creative idea I have is going to work, but when they do it is the greatest sweetness; not only to me, but to those who enjoy my pictures. I have learned that not everyone is going to love what I love and that I am not always going to love what others love, but I know that I came away from the year with the knowledge that I have grown as a photographer.
I am proud that I completed my journey. I may not have always followed the prompt to the "T", I may have been off prompt more than on prompt, I might have missed a day or two, but I completed the year and that is a HUGE accomplishment. I've run my marathon and I am not even tired! I have gas in the tank and I am ready for 2022!
I learned that endings are also beginnings and there is hope in that!
Yours truly,
365 Picture Today photographer
Who is excited for 365 PICTURE TODAY 2022?
12 new chapters
365 new chances