Listen to the silence in the image.
This prompt seems a bit hard, but you can photograph sound.
You can put your headphones on, dance, put your hand to your ear, photograph the sea, a waterfall, the silence of the trees, the noisy road. It is endless.
So what you are you listening to today?
In the red corner is a lego figure!
In the Corner is about placement, so find something to put in the corner, it could be yourself, or to be honest any thing.
There was a photographer called Irving Penn who used the corners in his studio to make interesting photos.
What will you find in the corner today?
Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!
I know you like crazy images and you colored the Cat’s Hat red and white, so those must be your favorite colors! I hope you like the card I made just for you. All my 365 friends are going to celebrate your birthday, too. Won’t it be fun to see what they come up with? Your devoted friend, Leslie.
P.S. I ate the cake.
Do you have a go-to item that you can't leave home without? or that comfy something you pull on after a long day? or maybe you have a piece of clothing that's sentimental or tells a story? For me, my pink robe & coffee are my morning routine must haves!
Share the entire item or just the part that makes it extra special. The possibilities are endless!
Today is pretty easy and straight forward. Photograph a knife. The challenge will be how to get a creative photo with that knife. I've seen lots of creative shots with spoons and forks but not too many with knives. I can't wait to see what you come up with. This group is full of creative souls!
My friend was married last year and her husband forged this knife to cut the cake with. Despite the cake almost collapsing in the heat, the knife cut through it no problem. Now that's a knife!
It's the 5th of the month! You know what that means? We are capturing our World again. We are all taking unique approaches to this prompt, which really makes it fun. I have chosen to use my letter board when I am home; and just a capture of where I am while traveling. (Hint... I'll be traveling today).
Some of you are taking a photo in the same location; some are capturing food photography; some are visiting coffee shops with friends....that's what makes this prompt really cool.
Continue today with what you started on January 5!
Sometimes an expression says it all. Capture a happy face today/
It is nearly spring, what is more motivating than a new season starting.
I was motivated to add words to my photo.
What will motivate you today?
Williamsburg’s Palace Green is living up to its name now that the grass is greening up. No doubt this colonial interpreter is looking forward to more agreeable weather to spend her days out of doors.
It's Color Day! Is there a green or park where you see signs of spring? You could shoot the entire landscape, a macro view of new growth, or somewhere in between as I did here. If that’s not possible today, what other green thing lifts your spirits at this time of year?
It's vintage day! How many of you have kept a few items from your youth? I kept my converse running shoes that I wore in university. Show us something you wore or cherished enough from your youth to still own today. It might be a piece of clothing, a toy, a book, or some jewelery or some other priceless treasure. I still wear my shoes on occassion but more often than not they are used as a prop!
If I've researched this correctly, tonight marks the first super new moon of the year. If your skies are clear, how about trying to shoot the moon. Here are a few tips for photographing this shiny orb in the sky. The moon is a big ball of light so keep you ISO low and use a tripod. I shot this at a focal length of 200mm, f8 and 1/80 sec. Use a remote shutter or a timer to lessen camera shake. You can use these settings as a starting guide and alter as necessary.
If you can't get out to photograph the moon today find something else bright and shiny to photograph. I'm looking forward to seeing what all you Shiny Happy People come up with.
Today is Macro Monday... and our subject is pencils. Have fun with this one. You can use colored pencils or graphite. Don't forget to get in close. If you don't have a macro lens, you can crop when you edit.
I am not one to take the time to arrange objects for a photo. I find it much more interesting and challenging to search for objects or scenes that are already "arranged" and then to "arrange" myself to best capture the photo. Admittedly, it is much easier to pick things up and place them, but that doesn't necessarily tell the true story.
This image is the story of an afternoon of painting. The objects are exactly how I left them on my desk and that is how I wanted to document and remember my day. For this story to be complete, I needed to include the finished painting and the tools that I used, right down to the dirty paper towel in the background. I did not move any of these things as I tried to compose my photo, but I did move myself and try shooting from different positions side-to-side and from above and below. I settled on this perspective because it included all of the characters in the story and the diagonals through the frame created some movement through the frame.
As you go about your day, keep your eyes open and look for a naturally occuring collection of things. Arrange yourself in the taking of the photo to tell the story of those things. Your story may be fiction or non-fiction. You are the storyteller! Have fun!
Today is a blank canvas for which all of the other prompts have prepared you.
Keep your eyes open and have fun!
Because today’s date can be written 3/14, March 14th has earned the silly title of Pi Day. Pi -- 𝝅 -- is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. You may or may not remember the formulas or have memorized 𝝅 to the tenth digit (3.141592654), but that’s not what’s really important today. Today, what’s really important is to choose circles or pies!! I couldn’t choose, so I photographed both! Then I had dinner!
Today is 'photo recreate' day whereby you copy the picture exactly as shown above but also put your own twist and creativity into the project. I chose a famous painting, American Gothic, as the photograph to recreate today. It is a classic and super easy to recreate as all it takes is you, maybe one other person (stand alone if you cannot find a willing victim....err, partner) and one simple prop!
Let's make it totally you! I chose to use a snow shovel instead of a pitch fork, because that's what I had handy and it was snowing! Maybe you might want to use a broom, or a shovel or even a frying pan! Use what you can find and create your own American Gothic. Mine is obviously a Canadian Gothic!
Do you have your hands full today? Hopefully with something delicious, a good book, some crafty fun, an interesting find, or maybe a pet? We can't wait to see what it might be!
A few things to consider when shooting hands; will they be the main subject or what they are holding? What angle will you use? Shooting from above will capture the entire item whereas from the side/front will highlight the scale (think heaping handful). Where is the light source? Hands create a lot of shadows so standing near a window or outside can help soften those lines.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
"May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door" An Irish Blessing
As you are looking for a plant to photograph, see if you can find a shamrock plant or a 4 leaf clover. If you can't, any plant with do!
For some reason, I found photographing "a favorite" difficult. Maybe that is because I have a hard time making decisions. Or maybe it is because like with Lay's potato chips, nobody can have just one. So, I settled on a photo that shows a few of my favorite things...books, coffee, being outside, and this community.
Show us one, or a few, of your favorite things today.
Just a hint of colour, just a hint of sun, just a hint of rain, just a hint of light.
In the sample photo I found just a hint of blooms and colour.
What can you find just a hint of today?
I think this fennel with its hairy head looks comfy lying on a bed of red Swiss chard. Looking out to take a picture of some unusual produce, I realized that I didn’t pay great attention to all the varieties of vegetables there are in a grocery store. We usually buy the ones we know because we’re used to how they taste and how to cook them.
Taking the time to really look at them, I realized how different they can be in terms of shapes, colours, textures, foliages. In fact, they’re great photo subjects! The only thing is that it can look funny to take pictures of vegetables in a grocery store! For the most adventurous of us, the next step would be to taste them!
Will you be brave enough to photograph some unusual produce at your grocery store today?
Where words fail, music speaks - Hans Chrisitian Andersen
According to experts, music is one of the best things for mind, body and soul. It releases endorphins which help to increase a feeling of well being. Music can also help to reduce feelings of anxiety, while increasing alertness, mood, memory and happiness.
Photograph something musical today! Musical instruments are very photogenic!
PS no guitars were harmed in the taking of this photograph
"The eye is always caught by light, but shadows have more to say." Gregory Maguire
Today show us the shadows that catch your eye or get creative and make your own!
Welcome to our monthly Picture Me day! Selfie Day!
For today's selfie, your challenge is to just take one photo and call it done. Can you be happy with your one and only take? For some, this will be easy and for others, it will be a challenge. Smile and remember, just one!
Are you starting to see new growth in the natural world around you? In yourself? In others? I love all of the metaphors for personal growth that are associated with the seasons and their cycle.
Today, find a quote about new growth that inspires you. You can do this by googling "quotes about new growth." You may choose to include your inspirational quote as part of your final image or not.
I hope you find some new growth on the inside as well as in the world around you as you create today's photo.
Listen to the silence in the image.
This prompt seems a bit hard, but you can photograph sound.
You can put your headphones on, dance, put your hand to your ear, photograph the sea, a waterfall, the silence of the trees, the noisy road. It is endless.
So what you are you listening to today?
Black-and-white photos are less common than color, so they automatically attract your viewer’s attention. What to aim for? Lots of texture and high contrast with a wide range of grays. Remember January’s "high contrast" prompt?
The angled sunshine, the stark contrast of the buildings' colors, the graphic quality of the intersecting lines, and the abundance of shadows were the perfect ingredients to make this black and white photo a success.
Today, choose to shoot straight from the camera, convert the photo in an app, or find a subject that is already in black and white. There are a lot of ways to approach the prompt!
"Everyone has their own style. It's unique; no one person's style is wrong" - Justine Skye
What's your style?
Mine leads toward bohemian but most often settles on easy or sporty! Staples for me are definately my Doc Martens, buffalo plaid and jeans, but I can clean up pretty good when I want to!
Show us your unique style today whether it be how you style your clothing or your home.
Today is a simple one... photograph a house!
It could be your house, a historical gem in your town, a classic style that makes you swoon, meant for a fairy princess or bovine divas, made of colorful plastic or shifting sand. Can't wait to see what you choose!
When I think of the word vast, the first thing that comes to my mind is the sky. When you look up the sky stretches out before you and seems to go on forever. I photographed this plane in the sky. It looks quite small against the vastness of the sky behind it.
What comes to mind when you consider the word vast? Capture it today and share it with us. Vast can be interpreted in so many different ways.
It's time to capture where you are standing. You can put as much of you in the picture as you want.... your feet only; your legs; or your full body.
Happy Easter!
What does Easter mean to you? Show us in your photo today.