Day 26
Green Juice Day

If your like me, some of the resolutions that I made back at the first of January are starting to become a distant memory. If that’s the case, you're definitely not alone.  Research shows that nearly 50% of us break our New Year’s resolutions by the month’s end.  

That’s how Green Juice Day came to be! 

It was a day set aside to not only encourage us to drink more green juice but to also encourage us to continue on with our health and wellness resolutions! 

Did you make a resolution that you’ve let slide?  

Maybe it was to eat healthier? Exercise more? Get more rest? Reduce stress? You get the idea! 

Today document getting back on track! ...Unless of course your part of the 50% that is still on track!   Show us the resolution you’ve stuck to - if might give a bit of encouragement to someone else! 



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