Day 51
Picture More
Rule of Thirds


Knowing how to compose your photos almost always makes for stronger composition.  The basic principle of composition is to use the Rule of Thirds.

Think about your frame being divided into three equal parts vertically and three equal parts horizontally, like a Tic-Tac-Toe board.  There will be four points of intersection between those vertical and horizontal lines.  It is at one of those points of intersection that you want to place the primary subject of your photo.

In my photo, the peeking puppy is the subject yet he is a small part of the entire image.  However, because he is placed on that lower left point of intersection, the eye is drawn to him.

Practice today placing your subject on each of the four possible points used in The Rule of Thirds.  Obseve which one "feels" best to you.  Think about why.


Daily Prompts

February 2022

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