Make it a September to Remember
As photographers we embrace all of the months of the year, but September always feels a bit more special. Perhaps it has something to do with the equinox and the change of seasons but for whatever reason, September always seems to rejuvenate the soul. Whether you are in the northern hemisphere or down under, the ninth month just seems exceptional.
How do you incorporate the uniqueness of September into your photographs? Just think of the things unique to the month and how they could fit into your artistic compositions:
- September is spelled with the most letters of any month.
- It has nine letters and it is the ninth month and no other month has the same number of letters as their number in the calendar year....mind blowing!
- In the northern hemisphere the first day of fall is on September 22/23. This is when the daylight hours shrink to be equal to the nighttime hours, or in the southern hemisphere it's the first day of spring and the daylight hours grow to match nighttime hours.
- The word September is mentioned in the title of pop and classical songs more often than any other month.
- Famous people born in September include Bruce Springsteen, Confucius, Queen Elizabeth, Queen's Freddie Mercury and Sophia Loren.
- The birthstone for September is the sapphire.
September marks our ninth month of taking a picture a day! That means we are 75% of the way to taking a picture a day for one full year. That is a remarkable achievement for which we should be very proud. We have watched our photography grow and witnessed the growth in our fellow 365'ers artistic and technical skills. Let's show off what we have achieved and make it a September to Remember.