September is a favorite month!
As children, September meant a time for new clothes, new school supplies, and the anticipation of meeting new teachers, seeing old friends and hoping to make new friends. As adults, there can be so much to look forward to such as hot drinks, homemade soups and stews, bonfires, thick socks, warm blankets, misty mornings, cinnamon, hot apple cider, not to mention the changing of the leaves which fall and crunch under your feet while enjoying outdoor hikes without bugs.
The autumn months bring lots of changes and Mother Nature gives us many reasons to embrace those changes. Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, "The only constant in life is change." Autumn can be a reminder that in the midst of our surroundings always changing and developing, our bodies and our minds are always changing and developing as well. During the autumn equinox, the days and nights are the same length which really gives our world a sense of balance. The temperatures drop to the tune of falling leaves – which really allows us to see the beauty of letting go and can be a time for mindfulness and self-reflection.
As a photographer, it can help us focus on how critical it can be to embrace the present moment because of the impermanence of life. In turn we can enjoy those things and moments that we want to document before they are gone. There is a sense of preservation that comes with autumn – when animals prepare for winter by storing food and getting ready for hibernation and farmers work endlessly on their fall harvests. Autumn offers us all a chance to preserve our own safe havens and by working on our own comfortable spaces we can learn about what makes us feel safe and warm.
These ideas tie right into our 365 photography journeys. We can use the comfort that comes with autumn and savor the days, the time with family, the coziness the cooler weather brings…
Winnie the Pooh said it best: “It’s the first day of autumn! A time of hot chocolatey mornings, and toasty marshmallow evenings, and, best of all, leaping into leaves!”
Have fun this autumn doing those things and enjoy the beautiful colors this season brings us!