“Well begun is half done.” -- Aristotle
What Aristotle meant was that starting a project well--enthusiastically-- means that it will be easier to finish!
If you started on January 1, do you realize that you’re half done? If not January, it’s okay. You still started with enthusiasm. That means you’re quite likely to finish the year because of it!
At this juncture, look back at your first week of January photos. Compare them to June’s. Do you see any difference? Maybe you’re understanding composition better. Maybe you’re getting more comfortable with using your settings. Maybe you’ve found your workflow. As you move into the second half of the year, think of things that would improve your photos. (We never stop learning, do we?) Choose one of those things and commit to it. Then compare your July shots to next December’s and see if that made a difference.
Let’s see if Aristotle told the truth! Check back in six months. Happy finishing!
Explaining the Prompts
This year we are pleased to announce a whole new look to 365 Picture Today. We asked! You answered! Instead of weekly themes, we will be featuring specific days with specific tasks.
Where I Stand
This prompt will occur on the last day of every month! You get to be as creative as you like, but the challenge is to include your feet in the photograph. It will be fun to see the different environments our photography journey takes us to.
Colour Day
Colour day is back by popular demand! Instead of a full week of colour we are introducing "colour day". It will be occurring once a month with a beautiful colour chosen by your creative team. It is completely up to you to include either a little or a lot of the specified colour.
Macro Monday
On Macro Monday we focus on the little details! On the 2nd Monday of every month we are asking you to use your macro skills to enhance the prompt of the day. We encourage you to get in close! You can use your macro lens, macro filters or simply crop your photos.
Challenge Day
This is an exciting, new and super fun challenge for 2024! On this day we will be offering you a photography challenge and ask you to recreate it!
Technical Day
This one is for the inner techies in all of us! On Technical Day we will be giving out instructions on specific photography technical skills. There will be a variety of skills explained to help you learn or enhance your abilities. We can all learn from one another.
Picture Me
It's selfie day! Once a month we will be asking you to include a picture of yourself in the daily prompt. This gives us a chance to let our community member know what we look like!
Scavenger Hunt
The scavenger hunt is a quarterly challenge. We will give you some specific words to use to go camera hunting with. This is a fun challenge that also includes your chance to make a collage.
My World
On the 5th day of every month you will take a picture in the same place. This will show the changing seasons, or just the subtle changes of the that environment. If you cannot be in the same place every month, just take a picture of where you are and what your world looks like on that day.
Guest Prompt
Once a month we honour a member of our community with a Community Profile and the chance to write a prompt with an accompanying photograph! It is a special day for community members and a chance for all of us to get to know one another just a little bit better.