Community Spotlight - Sue Griffin

by Garnett - May 27, 2021

Meet Sue Griffin from Star Valley, Wyoming

Sue was raised in Michigan and went to college in the Upper Peninsula. She had always wanted to ski the big mountains, so she moved to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. She met and married her husband in Jackson Hole and they started their life together in the next valley southwest, Star Valley WY. They have lived there close to 40 years and raised their son and daughter there. Sue got her first camera when she was 8 or 9. She has had several cameras over the years and has always loved photography.

Sue Griffin

What camera equipment do you shoot with? What is your favorite lens?

I am a Canon gal, and currently shoot with my Canon EOS 6D most of the time. I would have to say my Canon lens 24-105mm gets the most use, but that depends what I’m shooting or what I want to carry. I seem to use my Tamron Macro 90mm regularly. I have been using my iPhone 7 Plus a lot more as it is easier & lighter to use when I am carrying a backpack.


What do you enjoy most about a 365 photo project?

I like the habit that I have formed using my camera and, strongly feel, practice does build skills. I enjoy the challenges of the daily prompts and seeing everyone’s interpretations.   I love being in a group with so many accomplished photographers that are willing to share their knowledge. The community has become a second family to me while supporting each other through our common passion of photography and everyday life with all its challenges.


What advice would you give someone just starting a 365 project?

Make the project your own. Don’t compare your photos with others. When I started my 365 journey in 2012, I was working full time. I found it hard to juggle everything I liked to do.  If I missed a day or a week, I was ok with that, just pick up that camera get back on the wagon. The main thing is enjoy it, try new things and meet other people that all share your passion for photography.


What are your favorite subjects to photograph and why?  Least favorite?

I have always enjoyed capturing our travels and adventures. I believe this is why I love landscape & nature photography the best. I do enjoy portrait photography, but my willing subject (my daughter) does not live close by any longer, so I haven’t continued to pursue it.

Sue 4

My least favorite things to photograph are probably food or shooting “things” that I have to work on creativity and composition.



It was fun getting to know a little more about, Sue!  She lives in a beautiful part of the world!

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