November 2024

November has arrived already.

For the young the days go fast and the years go slow; for the old the days go slow and the years go fast.” Anna Quindlen

I know this to be true as I get older…. It seems like the years just scream by.

Let’s slow down for a second. November is a month to be thankful and grateful. As we approach our photography prompts this month, try to be intentional about what matters. Approach each day with a heart of gratitude.

The 365 Picture Today Creative Team is thankful for you. We are thankful that this community gives so much. We encourage each other with our photography, we follow along as children and grandchildren are born, we grieve with each other during sickness and loss. It is just amazing that an on-line community can be so rich and deep and meaningful…. Even beyond our love of photography. We are in many different phases of life, different backgrounds, different cultures…. And we are one amazing community.

We have grown so much together.  Some have come and some have gone. Some of you have been here since our predecessor group. Some transitioned with four of us who decided to keep this thing going somehow. You supported us through all of the growing pains. Whether you have been here a decade, year or month, you are so appreciated.

Happy November. Thank you for being you!

November 2024

Explaining the Prompts

This year we are pleased to announce a whole new look to 365 Picture Today.  We asked!  You answered!  Instead of weekly themes, we will be featuring specific days with specific tasks. 

Where I Stand

 This prompt will occur on the last day of every month!  You get to be as creative as you like, but the challenge is to include your feet in the photograph.  It will be fun to see the different environments our photography journey takes us to.

Colour Day

Colour day is back by popular demand!  Instead of a full week of colour we are introducing "colour day". It will be occurring once a month with a beautiful colour chosen by your creative team. It is completely up to you to include either a little or a lot of the specified colour.   

Macro Monday

On Macro Monday we focus on the little details! On the 2nd Monday of every month we are asking you to use your macro skills to enhance the prompt of the day. We encourage you to get in close!  You can use your macro lens, macro filters or simply crop your photos.

Challenge Day

This is an exciting, new and super fun challenge for 2024!  On this day we will be offering you a photography challenge and ask you to recreate it! 

Technical Day

This one is for the inner techies in all of us!  On Technical Day we will be giving out instructions on specific photography technical skills. There will be a variety of skills explained to help you learn or enhance your abilities. We can all learn from one another.

Picture Me

It's selfie day! Once a month we will be asking you to include a picture of yourself in the daily prompt. This gives us a chance to let our community member know what we look like!

Scavenger Hunt

The scavenger hunt is a quarterly challenge.  We will give you some specific words to use to go camera hunting with.  This is a fun challenge that also includes your chance to make a collage.

My World

 On the 5th day of every month you will take a picture in the same place.  This will show the changing seasons, or just the subtle changes of the that environment.  If you cannot be in the same place every month, just take a picture of where you are and what your world looks like on that day.

Guest Prompt

Once a month we honour a member of our community with a Community Profile and the chance to write a prompt with an accompanying photograph! It is a special day for community members and a chance for all of us to get to know one another just a little bit better.


Day 306 - - Piping Hot
Day 306 -

There is nothing hotter than a smoking red hot chili pepper!

This example was done by holding a match behind the pepper and then cloning out my finger tips and the rest of the very long match that you could still see in the image.

What will you be having that is piping hot today?

Day 307 - - Priceless
Day 307 -

MasterCard commercials have helped us expand our views of what is “priceless.” To me, one can’t put a price on old friends. 

What’s priceless to you? Is it expensive or free for the asking? At least if you’re shooting digitally, you won’t run up a developing charge on your credit card!

Day 308 - - Repurpose
Day 308 -

Isn't it amazing how people can find new and creative uses for things? My friend loves collecting sea glass and has a knack for picking out the perfect pieces to turn into beautiful jewelry. 

What do you have that has been repurposed? Share it - you never know who might be searching for a creative new use for it!

Day 309 - - Brown
Day 309 -
Color Day

Today is colour day for the month of November.  Brown is such and earthy colour that represents steadfastness, simplicity and dependability.  I also read that the colour brown stimulates appetite.  I guess that's why I was drawn to this sign I saw in a local dessert place!

What will you find today that is brown?

Day 310 - - My World
Day 310 -
Seasonal Photo

When those baskets of fire called cressets illuminate the historic Duke of Gloucester Street, I know it’s the beginning of the holiday season in my world. What says November to you this month? Add yourself to your photo if you like, too.

Day 311 - - Geometric Patterns
Day 311 -

There is something about geomteric patterns.  They elicit both calm and energy.  They are both logical and magical.  As you go about your day, keep your eyes and mind open to a geometric pattern that catches your attention.  What is it about that pattern that draws you in?  

Day 312 - - Circle
Day 312 -

This is my favourite sort of circle, cake!

By photographing from above you can see that circle. A good flat lay has a few other items in the photo to make the main object standout.

What are you going to have to eat or drink today that you can photo from above that is a circle?

Day 313 - - Crunch
Day 313 -

There is something very satisfying about walking through dried leaves. That crunch! Can you find something dried and crunchy today? This time of year should be perfect for finding leaves.

Day 314 - - Discover
Day 314 -

Are you delving into a new hobby? Have you found a new trail to explore? Were you surprised by your latest read? Have you spotted a new bud on your plant? Whatever you discover today, share it with us! 

Day 315 - - A different perspective
Day 315 -
Technical Day

Today is technical day. I'm going to challenge you to take a spoon and look at it from a different perspective.  I took this spoon and placed in on my Ipad.  I looked for a funky wallpaper online and downloaded it to my Ipad.  I moved in close and took the photo from an angle slightly above the spoon.  I wanted to capture both the reflection in the spoon and the pattern on the Ipad.  I also got in close enough that you only see the pattern in the wallpaper and the spoon.  There are no other outside elements in the photo.  It's a bit trippy isn't it?

There are so many ways to photograph a spoon from a different perspective.  If placing it on a funky screen doesn't work for you, what other perspective can you use for your photo today.

Day 316 - - On the table
Day 316 -

What is on your table? Food, decorations, a pile of magazines? Capture it! If you are out and about, look around for a table with something on it. No reason to box yourself in...  have fun.

Day 317 - - Keep it simple
Day 317 -

Technology is a huge part of our daily lives, so much so that we probably aren't aware of all the places...until it doesn't work.  Though technology does make many things faster and easier, there are some times when "old school" is more reliable, more enjoyable, and, frankly, simpler.

Is there something "old school" that you still prefer over newer options?  Show us what it is.

Day 318 - - Diagonal
Day 318 -

Diagonals in photo add depth to your photo. 

In fact, there is a diagonal in almost every photo. You merely need to recognise it and then use it in your compositions!

To create diagonal lines, you need to alter your viewpoint, walk around to see if you can get an angle that will add interest to your photo.



Day 319 - - Tradition
Day 319 -

My sister-in-law’s candy cane cookies are a years-long family tradition. But--Hot Dog!--this year, an impish new son-in-law was inspired to create a different shape from the dough! I wonder if that will become another tradition! 

Do you have an annual tradition that marks the season? Or do you like to change things up? Maybe you'll inspire us to try something new!

Day 320 - - Thankful
Day 320 -

What are you thankful for? This is the month that many of us take a moment to count our blessings. Even through the hard times, there is always something for which we can be thankful. For many years, our family has had a thankful jar...  just a way to capture our blessings for the year.

Day 321 - - Additional
Day 321 -
Scavenger Hunt

Get ready! Its Scavenger Hunt day! You can choose what you want to hunt for, and with each square, you'll add an extra item!

Here are a few examples to get you thinking: You could capture everyday items, such as a coffee mug, snacks, or books. You might showcase treasures from your walk, such as rocks, leaves, or flowers. Or try a still life or flat-lay compositions, mixing in different objects as you go. 

Day 322 - - Beads
Day 322 -

I captured these beads of water on a spider's web.  You can photograph strands of beads, loose beads from a jewelry-making kit, or look for beads of water as I did. 

Day 323 - - Who I am
Day 323 -

Like most of us, I have many titles--wife, mother, grandmother, professor, friend, etc.; but none of those really define who I am.  As I thought about who I am, the word that came to me was artist.  Not because I like to play with crayons, paint, and scissors, but because creating is at the essence of all that I am.  Developing materials for my classes, preparing meals for my family, playing and writing music, planting seedlings, making memories with friends...all of these things involve the process of creating...and that is what an artist does.

Who are you?  Express you in today's photo.

Day 324 - - Love
Day 324 -

I love the early morning mist hanging over the lake, with the added bonus of the autumn colours.  I was lucky that the sun was shining to get the reflections.

So what do you love at this time of year?

Day 325 - - Underneath
Day 325 -
Guest Prompt

To achieve a dreamy, hazy look straight out of camera, put your lens underneath a piece of sheer fabric or lace. I attached a piece of white tulle to my camera lens with a rubber band. The result is a muted moody photo that is quite different from the crisp photos I usually take. Give it a try. Maybe you will like the results.

Thanks again for featuring me. It’s an honor.

Tanya Mayfield
Day 326 - - Found in nature
Day 326 -

Today's prompt is a good reason to get outside and into nature.  What will you find while you are out and about in nature today?  

In this photo I actually put myself in nature.  This time of year our backyard is full of leaves.  Lots of raking!  I jumped into a pile and grabbed a photo of me surrounded by nature!

Day 327 - - Warm
Day 327 -

When we lived in the mountains of Pennsylvania, snow began in October and ran into April. Mittens like these Norwegian ones bought on my daughter’s travels were a necessity. We rarely get snow where we now live in coastal Virginia, but on that off-chance, I know I’ll be warm as toast!

What conjures warmth to you? A thing? A feeling? Warm up your imagination and shoot it!

Day 328 - - Characteristic
Day 328 -
Picture Me

It's picture me day again!  What would you consider to be one of your best characteristics?   What do you feel defines who you are?  How can you capture that in a photograph?

I consider myself to be a very upbeat, happy person.  I can usually be found with a smile on my face, even it's just a cheeky grin.  I think this photo of me somewhat hiding behind my flowers with a smile on my face captures my personality quite well.  Show us a bit of who you are today!

Day 329 - - Stop
Day 329 -

Today's prompt is "Stop."  We've got a little over a month before we commit to those New Year's resolutions and stop the bad habits.  So, let's have a little fun with today's prompt.  When I read "stop" as the prompt, the first thing that came to my mind was Journey singing "Don't Stop Believein'."  This song is at about mile 4.7 on my 10K run playlist because from there to the five mile point always seems to be the most difficult part of the run for me, the point where I stop believing in myself.  This got me thinking about other songs with "stop" in their titles.  There are hundreds...from James Morrison singing “Please Don't Stop the Rain” to Luther Vandross with “Stop to Love” to The Spice Girls with "Stop"...and the list goes on.

Think about a song with the word "stop" in its title and photograph how that song speaks to you.  

Day 330 - - Something Hidden
Day 330 -

Where is Waldo, Wally, Walter, Willy, Hugo, Charlie or Holger? Depends on where in the world you are!

It is that time of year again for me to play where is Jasper?

Find something today that you have and put it against a background of the same colour.

Day 331 - - Pause
Day 331 -

This can become a busy, even frantic, time of year. Today pause whatever you’re doing even for a few minutes. Go or look outside at something that brings you peace. Breathe deeply. Then take a picture of whatever you’re looking at. Afterward, print it or turn it into wallpaper for your device. Next time you’re out of breath, let it remind you how it felt to take that pause.

Day 332 - - Chipped Paint
Day 332 -
Challenge Day

Today's challenge is to capture chipped paint. Keep an eye out for weathered layers and intricate patterns, peeling edges, and colorful hues that only evolve over time, as they can add some very unique visual interest. Experiment with different compositions, angles, and lighting to highlight the details of the chipped paint.

Day 333 - - Prompt free
Day 333 -

Today is a blank canvas for which all of the other prompts have prepared you.

Keep your eyes open and have fun!

Prompt Free
Day 334 - - Curved
Day 334 -

Look for curves today...   in the road, on a river, on a body. Possibilities are endless!  Don't let this prompt throw you for a curve! 

Day 335 - - Where I Stand
Day 335 -
Where I Stand

It's our monthly Where I Stand photo.  Show us where you are today.  Where are your feet standing today?

In the colder months I do a little bowling.  This was one of those days.  The bowling alley near us uses black lights to add a little fun to the games.  I liked how the laces glowed under them.  


365PictureToday Creative Team


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