We are about to embark on a whole new year
with 365 Picture Today.
Welcome 2025 and welcome to all of our old and new members! Did you know that this year will be the 6th year for 365 Picture Today? In 2019 Lee, Amy, Garnett and Kris came up with the idea for 365 Picture Today and courageously embarked on the task of setting up and maintaining the group. January 1, 2020 this community went live. They worked tirelessly to create this amazing community. Their continued dedication and hard work has now seen 365 Picture Today move into it’s 6th year. Wow! We are so ever thankful to Lee, Amy, Garnett and Kris for their determination and commitment to the 365 Picture Today community. Where would we be without each of you?
If you've been here since the beginning, congratulations, you've successfully completed 5 years of taking a photo a day. Now that's something to celebrate!
The Creative Team has evolved over the past 5 years and this coming year is no exception. As you’ll notice there’s been a couple of changes to the Creative Team. Let me outline these for you.
First, we sadly say goodbye to Leslie. We will miss you a lot. From all of us on the Creative Team and the community as a whole, we’d like to thank you for all the hard work and creativity you bought to our team over these last couple of years. You were an integral cog in the wheel that keeps this machine moving forward. Your absence will be noticed. Thank you and we are so happy that you will continue on as 365 Picture today member.
Finally, I’d like to introduce our new creative team member,
Connie Gill-Staubhaar.
Over to you Connie!
Hi, I’m Connie!
I am retired from a job with a box company. I live in Southern Idaho on the high desert. I am married to my best friend, we celebrate 10 years married and 30 years together in December. I have 3 step-daughters, 11 grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren. We have a small crafting business making barnwood frames and laser-engraved gifts. It keeps us kind of busy. We love the outdoors and exploring the deserts around us. When I retired I decided I wanted to explore more of Idaho and surrounding states.
I have been taking picture since i was about 8 or 9, my grandparents had a Kodak 35mm camera and I thought it was the neatest thing. I got into digital about 10 years ago and started really loving the process. I am a nature photographer mostly but love to play with a few other genres as well. I love wildlife, horses and enjoying playing with birds as well. Macros and abstract are creative outlets for me as well.
I was asked to join the creative team and was very excited that I was asked. I am really looking forward to the opportunity to “meet” more members and cultivate on-line friendships. This community is so giving and caring of one another. My hope is to be a good team member.
If this is your first year starting with 365 Picture today my advice would be to enjoy the community, there are some wonderful people out there. Interacting on the daily prompts with others is great and before you know it you have new friends. Don’t worry if you miss a prompt or two and share what you want to share. Remember it is your 365 project and you do it how you wish. Two pieces of advice I’d like to offer are; “The only photographer you should compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday” and “Don’t pack up your camera until you have left. Oh, and for the sunset lovers, when you see a beautiful sunset, turn around and look behind you – it may surprise you!
We are thrilled to have Connie join the Creative Team and can't wait to see her creativity shine!
So there you have it, your Creative Team for 2025. We're thrilled you're going to join as we enter this 6th year. Come help us celebrate this remarkable accomplishment! Who knows what shenanigans we might get up to!