Our last community profile of 2023 features Trish Pimentel!
Introducing Trish Pimentel
Top note from Lysle
This is an extremely special community profile for me as I was given the opportunity to interview my life long best friend, Trish Pimentel. Trish and I grew up in the same community. Our parents were friends, and our siblings are still friends, and Trish and I, although separated by a province and many many kilometers, still communicate daily. I was so happy to convince Trish to join our amazing 365 Picture Today community so that I could share her with you. Before we start on our 'star of the day', I just have to share a few pictures to give you some context as to the length of our friendship and insight as to how we grew up with one another.

We have been friends for a very long time! How did we meet?
We both grew up in Richmond, British Columbia and our families were members of the Gulf of Georgia Country Club. We both figure skated and we both switched to ice hockey in the 8th grade and that is when I really got to know Lysle. It has been a wonderful friendship of over 51 years and I feel very blessed to call Lysle my best friend!

.....Back at you Trish!.....
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I currrently live in Surrey, B.C which is in the lower mainland and very close to the city of Vancouver. I have three sisters and one brother, and we are all very close even though we live in different cities in British Columbia. I spent most of my childhood at the ice rink, and ended up meeting my husband Joe at a rink in Vancouver. We have been married 41 years and had three children. We spent a lot of our time with the kids at the hockey rink and the dance studio. We took summer vacations in the Okanagan and then purchased a trailer south of the border at a recreational property in Washington State. We like to golf, bike and hike and keeping ourselves active. We love watching all sports, going to live theatre, playing cards with friends and, I love my puzzles especially in the winter.

You live in one of the most beautiful cities in Canada. Where are your go to places for photography in Vancouver and area?
My favourite places to capture photos in Vancouver are Gastown, the Stanley Park seawall, Granville Island and around the Vancouver Art Gallery. Outside of the city, I love to take my camera to Crescent Beach, Steveston, Pitt Meadows and Maple Ridge.
What is your favourite style of photography?
My favourite style of photography is Street Photography, although it's not always very convenient for me. I prefer to do my street photography in the city and I like to have my side-kick, Joe with me to act as a decoy. It excites me to head downtown with my camera.

When did you first pick up a camera? How has your photography evolved over the years?
My first camera was a Kodak Instamatic X-15 which I received in the early 70's. I would take pictures of my friends, our dog and my family. Over the years I just snapped away but, I did take a photography class at night school back in the 80's. I learned all about depth of field, shutter speed and grey cards. Ha Ha! It was not until I started photo challenges that I began learning about all the rules of compostion. I still have so much to learn!
What type of camera do you use and what's in your kit?
I have an old Nikon D5200 which needs replacing and an IPhone 13.
Do you use Lightroom, Photoshop or any APPs?
I do not use Lightroom or Photoshop but I have purchased PS Express and I use Snapseed a lot. For fun, I like Prisma, PIP and PicCollage.

Which are your favourite prompts? Which are your least favourite?
My favourite prompts are the colour weeks. It is one aspect of the daily prompt I don't have to think about. My least favourite are anything about me! I struggle because I am not a very creative person and I live a simple life. To me that does not leave much worthy to photograph!

How did you discover 365 Picture Today and how long have you been a community member?
Lysle introduced me to this amazing community three years ago. We had completed a five year project of our own daily challenge with another good friend to help me get through a difficult time after the sudden death of our son in 2013. It was a great distraction, and we all needed to learn how to use our new cameras. It opened our eyes to the beauty surrounding us on a daily basis and appreciating it, even on dark days.

One final question and it is asked by Ron! Tee Hee! How did you manage to get such a handsome man to be your sherpa?
He was the graduate of Ron's school of Sherpa and was top of his class!