Tell us about yourself...
I live in Southern Utah close to Zion and Bryce Canyon National Park. Me and my husband have been married for 47 years and have 6 children, 15 grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild. We both retired a couple of years ago and decided to serve an 18 month volunteer mission for our church. We were called to serve in the Minnesota Minneapolis Mission and are currently living in Minnesota for 18 months. I hardly knew where Minnesota was on the map but It has been a fun experience and we have met so many wonderful people here. I have enjoyed having new things to photograph. We have loved exploring and seeing all the fun and unique things here. Time is flying by and I don’t think we are going to see everything we want to see. I miss my grandkids but some of them have come to visit and we have some coming this spring and summer. I enjoy traveling, being out doors, and spending time with my family.

How long have you been taking a photo a day?
This is my fourth year being part of 365 Picture Today. I was part of a photography group in 2018 and 2019 to learn how to use my camera. I realized after it was over that I wasn’t picking up my camera and I really missed it. I knew I needed something so started looking for a group and found this one and have never looked back. There have been times when I think I don’t have the time or if I’m uninspired with the prompt, but as I look back through my feed I realize each photo brings back a memory of that day. I know I wouldn’t remember these moments if I didn’t have that photo. I pat myself on the back for sticking in there and posting that photo day after day.

What prompts are your favorites? and which ones make you want to close the email?
My favorite prompts are color week. I love color and it makes me look for that specific color during the week. I think my least favorite is the picture you week, although I am so glad it is included. I’ve learned how to take selfies and I feel less self-conscious about it now. I am glad I have those photos of myself. Maybe when I’m gone, my grandkids will be glad too.

What is the strangest thing you've ever photographed?
I can’t think of anything strange that I have photographed but I was surprised when I took a closer look at a photo I took once. We were driving through Stillwater Minnesota and I was taking photos out the car window. When I looked at it afterward, the girl sitting on the bench was covering her eyes, she saw me and didn’t want her photo taken, although it was the sign on the building’s window that I was trying to get.

What tip do you wish you had known sooner?
A game changer for me was when I found out about back button focusing. A lot easier to get my photos in focus. I have also started taking most of my photos with my phone. My phone is always with me and the new phones take amazing photos. I love street photography and it is much easier with a phone. I would like to take a class on phone photography to find out tips and tricks.

Where do you find inspiration?
I find most of my inspiration from members of this group. I am constantly amazed at all the creative ways each member takes the prompt. I have been less harsh on myself and I have realized that we all interpret it differently. I really appreciate the kindness of members of this group and I appreciate the staff taking the time to write prompts and post photos for all of us!

You can find Sharon on Instagram at: @byebye.365