Welcome to this month’s “Community Spotlight” where you get to know a little more about the talented photographers who are part of our 365 Picture Today Community. Peggy Pryor from Felton, Delaware is our first feature. Peggy’s photos are gorgeous, especially her macro shots.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and how long you have been taking photos?
I got my first camera when I was about 5 years old. It was a pretty, red camera, and I remember taking it along on a field trip and taking photos of my classmates. I got very serious about photography when I retired 7 years ago and received my first DSLR for Christmas. I joined Capture Your 365 and enjoyed taking photos using the prompts as inspiration. I also took a lot of classes, learning more about the camera and how to shoot manually.

What is your favorite subject to photograph and why?
I love to take pictures of flowers because the curves and lines of the petals are so pretty. I also enjoy using my macro lens to really get in close to the subject. I'm also very fortunate that Longwood Gardens is about an hour from my home. I try to get there when they open in the morning so I have all day to enjoy the gardens - inside and out.

What made you want to do a 365 project?
I love connecting with other photographers and learning. You can get so many ideas from looking at another person's photographs. I have found that everyone is very open about their settings and how they were able to capture a particular shot. A 365 project makes me pick up my camera or phone and capture a piece of my day. I can look back on my 40,000+ photos and remember exactly where I was and what I was doing and feeling that day.

What advice would go back and give yourself when you first started a 365 project?
Don't compare yourself to others. Start with subjects that you are comfortable with and go from there. It's okay to not be on-prompt every day, it's okay to miss a day, it's your project.

What do you enjoy most about photography?
I get so excited when I look in my viewfinder and I can tell that I'm seeing a wonderful photo in the making. I have captured a moment in time that probably changed within 5 minutes. Every time I put my SD card into my computer to upload photos, I feel like I have just given myself a gift. If I have met with friends for a family shoot, I can't wait to start editing and giving them back their gift. Photos are our memories that we relive and leave for the next generation to enjoy.