Tell us a little bit about yourself and where you live.
Hi, my name is Paula Chance. I live in San Juan Capistrano, California, with my husband and three young adult kids. We are very close to the beach, harbor, and beautiful coastline but our town is best known for the Mission San Juan Capistrano; and, the swallows that return every year. I do love photography, but my favorite hobby would have to be cooking. My kitchen is my happy place. The reward is my happy family. My husband, Max, always cleans up after I cook…I help some, but he says that’s his contribution. I’ll take it.

When did you develop an interest in photography and what camera do you prefer?
I started my interest in photography, I think, about 2014. My niece is an excellent photographer, and I was so intrigued with her art that I decided I could do this too. During this time, I was also dealing with the loss of three of my four brothers inside of a 15-month period. My newfound hobby proved to be an excellent outlet for some of that grief. I fell in love with photography. The camera I started with was Canon Rebel T4i. This is what I used for quite some time, before I really took an interest. I upgraded to Canon 80D, which is a great cropped sensor. The camera I use now is a Canon 6D Mark II. It’s my first full frame camera. I love it.

What do you enjoy most about photography?
What I enjoy most about photography is that I’ve learned to be mindful. I am required to be present and intentional. It’s a good discipline. I get to see moments in life more than once. I am grateful for this.

What are some things you have learned in taking a photo every day?
A few things I’ve learned in taking a photo every day are that some days I’m going to capture some awesome images, some days are going to be a bust. It’s all okay. I challenge myself to keep trying. I am also much more aware of my surroundings. Now I search for details. I can say my perspective has been sharpened and changed, for the better. I go low to the ground, sometimes lay down, and I climb high. It really is interesting what you see when you’re paying attention.

What is your favorite subject to photograph? What is your least favorite subject to photograph?
My favorite subjects to photograph are my kids surfing. Both my sons surf very well. It’s fun to watch and capture. I love people too, I guess that’s street photography. And silhouettes. Silhouettes are always better when you see them on the screen. I think my least favorite would be still life. I adore still life photography but not mine, not yet. This is truly a skill. I’ll keep trying.

I love 365 Picture Today. I can’t remember exactly when I started here. I have a good memory...but it’s short! My friend, Janice, introduced me to this awesome group. I’m so thankful. I’ve learned so much here. What an amazing tribe to be part of.