Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff

by 365 Picture Today Team - October 19, 2024

Tell Us a Little About Yourself

I was born and raised in southeast Saskatchewan, Canada, where I still live today. However, my husband  and I have traveled around the world. However, it always feels good to be back home. I've been married to the love of my life for 57 years. We have three grown children; a son and two daughters. We are blessed to be grandparents to 3 girls and 2 boys and have one great granddaughter. 

I love being outdoors and golf about four days a week. I'm also into vegetable gardening, walking the trails, summer fishing, and ice fishing in the winter. I also volunteer for our hospital auxiliary by working in the gift shop. Some of my other hobbies include baking, scrapbooking, and going on driving adventures to find places and things to photograph. 

Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff

How Long Have You Been Taking A Photo A Day, and How Did You Find 365PictureToday?

As of January 1, 2020, I have been consistently participating in the 365PictureToday challenge by posting one photograph daily. (I had previously been posting in a weekly photography group for two years. One of the members mentioned this group). I haven't missed a day! To ensure preparedness, I review the prompts in advance. The daily prompts have provided a more relaxed experience compared to the previous weekly themes. I find the daily approach more appealing, as it aligns with my preference for regular photography and an essential part of my photography journey.

I am very grateful for the administrators for all the time and commitment that they put into making this a welcoming, supportive, and fun-loving group. 

Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff

When Did You First Pick Up A Camera And What Equipment Do You Use For Your Photography?

I was probably around 20 years old before I bought my very own camera. It was a Kodak automatic film camera. My son gifted me my first digital camera about 20 years ago. It was an Olympus point and shoot. I knew I was hooked on photography after that because I could take as many photos as I wanted and delete those that I didn't want. I've acquired a couple other cameras but today I use a Cannon Power Shot SX40HD and a Pentax X90 allowing me to thrive as a photographer and artist. For my daily photos it is usually my Samsung S22+ phone because it is always with me when a photo opportunity presents itself. I don't use Photoshop or Lightroom so I do all my edits right on my phone. Sometimes I will use an app for special effects.

Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff
Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff

What Is Your Favourite Style of Photography, Favourite Prompts, and Least Favourite?

My inclination leans towards landscape and macro photography, but I am very versatile and enjoy tackling various styles. I find joy in prompts like Macro Monday and Color Day. Technical Day, Street Photography and Challenge Day tend to require more effort on my part, and they challenge me to elevate my skills. Since joining this group, I've also grown more confident in doing selfies and becoming a better photographer. 

Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff

What would you say to someone just starting out?

Capture the things that bring you joy and let them be your guide. Don't worry about meeting the prompt perfectly - it's the different perspectives that make life beautiful. You are on your own journey, and your art should reflect that. Don't compare yourself to others, and don't worry if you miss a day or two. Just come back to it when you can and keep creating with love.

Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff
Community Spotlight - Dolores Duff

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